This month’s programming brings back the idea of Circuit Training. We typically see Supersets every month, but adding in a 3rd or 4th exercise creates more of a Circuit style of training. We also see several versions of 21’s mixed in….so what does all of this mean?

Why all the Circuits?

Over the last 3 months we have been building strength while we pursue more endurance.

Two months ago the focus was more on lower reps, higher weights while we utilized an 8 rep count for our sets. This set the foundation in strength building for us to pursue the change we saw last month when those reps increased. The goal last month was to keep the weights we used for 8 and now bring them into the 12 -15 rep count we saw in May. This built more endurance as we moved more into a Hypertrophy phase. With this month, we see the same rep counts of 12-15 but now in a circuit form where we are trying to keep the weights just as heavy but increasing overall intensity.

What does increasing your anaerobic threshold do?

It’s Time to Up the Ante Folks!

The aim of the circuits is to increase Anaerobic output which allows us to work with a higher intensity with heavier weights after we’ve built our strength the last 2 months. Anaerobic threshold is the maximum amount of effort you can sustain for a long period of time. Your pace at your threshold is a good indicator of endurance performance as it is the rate in which the body can sustainable produce energy. Increasing our Anaerobic Threshold allows us to perform at a greater intensity for longer periods of time.

What are these 21’s and what are they good for?

21’s we see a few times this month within our programs. This variation is meant to bring up the typically lagging body part and in the above video’s case, increase the hamstring pump and mind/muscle connection. Simply put, its gonna burn like crazy and you’ll be stoked on the after pump.

Ok Katie Let’s Wrap it Up…

Overall this month is to really see all that we’ve worked on over the past 2 months and put it into action! Don’t be afraid to pick up that heavier weight, or shoot for 15 reps of each. This is the time to really showcase all the efforts you’ve been putting in and see just how much progress was made!

Be sure to follow along as we dive further into Programming, Tips/Tricks + Nutrition with our Bi-Monthly Blog!

xoxo wellnwhole


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